You know the U.S. is in dire straights when fast food chains start to take a hit. Amid many struggling high street staples, Eegee’s of Arizona has filed for bankruptcy, knocking out another popular sandwich chain.
Huge Subway sandwich rival Eegee’s has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and announced that it will be shutting down 5 locations. This decision comes amid massive losses as Americans feel the economic squeeze, and decide they’ll start making their subs at home.
Eegee’s is just the next in line for popular U.S. restaurants to succumb to the economic downturn of the country. In the past year or so, losses have caused companies such as Red Lobster, TGI Fridays, and BurgerFi to make massive cutbacks. It isn’t over yet, either.
Sandwich CEO Chris Westcott spoke about the impending bankruptcy. “The brand has been struggling since the pandemic. We just haven’t bounced back to pre-pandemic levels,” he lamented. It appears people’s eating habits just never went back to what they were after Covid-19.
Sandwich Fans Won’t Be Left Wanting After Bankruptcy
Fans of Eegee’s slushies, grilled Grinder subs, and mouth-watering, packed sandwiches won’t be completely out of luck after the bankruptcy. Despite closing 5 branches, there will still be the chance to get your hands on their food.
A Chapter 11 bankruptcy simply means that the Eegee’s sandwich company will be going into administration. Rather than completely going under, and leaving stock owners high and dry, experts will come in to try to turn things around.
Of course, the sandwich shop will be seeing huge cutbacks in the next few years, but it shouldn’t go under completely. In many similar cases, a rework is in order. Some of the higher-paid people will be let go, the less successful shops will be closed, and often, the menu is given a rework.
However, in this case, the menu is already pretty concise. I expect all the Eegee’s favorites will remain, and the bankruptcy won’t be taking your favorite sandwich down with it.
I don’t think the downturn of American obsession with fast food is such a bad thing. The straining hearts of the nation could certainly do with a break from the ultra-processed fat-packed dietary habit.